Some of the stories on this page are rated [Strong Content] or [Explicit], which means they contain sex scenes or discussions of sex. (See my explanation of codes and ratings at the very end of the page.) If that does not appeal to you and/or you are not allowed to read such stories, avoid them. You have been warned.
Some of my stories contain slash: mentions of sexual and/or romantic relationships between people of the same gender. They are labeled as such. Also, some of my stories contain het: mentions of sexual and/or romantic relationships between people of opposite genders. They are also labeled as such. If either of those things bothers you, consider yourself warned.
NOTICE: I don't update this page much anymore; I've moved on to other things. I also haven't checked my saavant@yahoo email address in a long time. If you have a question about putting my work on your site, printing it in a zine, linking to it, quoting from it, creating art or stories based on it, or using it in any way at all-- the answer is yes, I'm fine with it. Fanfiction is not exactly a field where people have any business being possessive of their work. So feel free.
By the way: I just thought I'd clear up any confusion there may be about the fourth "a" in my name. There isn't a fourth "a" in my name. I am Saavant and this is Saavant's Mostly Vulcan Fan Fiction. The name in my Yahoo email address is spelled "saavaant" because Yahoo, for a complicated reason, will not let me use the name Saavant. If it would let me, I would use it. So please just forget all about that fourth "a."
And Now, My Fanfiction...
Unfamiliar with abbreviations such as K/S, VOY and [Explicit]? At the very end of the page you will find a key to the symbols and ratings I use.
[All Audiences] to [Moderate Content] Rated Fanfic
* S/Saa * S/f * K/S * Other *
* TOS * VOY * DS9 * Other * Pon Farr Fest drabbles *
Miscellaneous Play
* Logical Analysis * Emoticons *
Drawings and photomanips
* S/Saa * S&Saa * K/S* K&S * K * S * Other *
Miscellaneous art
* K/S * other *
[Strong Content] and [Explicit] Rated Fanfic
Drawings and photomanips
* K/S * S * Other *
Miscellaneous art
* K/S *
First Posted: July 2002
Mark of Hellguard (het)
GO 2002 first prize for Spock/Saavik
GO 2002 second prize for TOS Het
TOS, Spock/Saavik, [Moderate Content]
Dralath's son challenges Saavik to a duel... on the internet.
First Posted: July 2002
Growth (het)
GO 2002 third prize for Spock/Saavik
TOS, Spock/Saavik, [Moderate Content]
Kirk and McCoy try to help Saavik deal with Spock's death.
First Posted: March 2003
Severe Thunderstorm Warning (het)
TOS, Spock/Saavik, [Mild Content]
What in the universe inspired Spock, Saavik and the kids to travel there?
First Posted: July 2000
T'Ria and the Rain
Man (het)
GO 2000 second prize for TOS S/f
GO 2000 third prize for TOS Het
2000 ASC Awards Honorable Mention for General Pairing
TOS, S/f [Moderate Content]
Spock discovers a new kind of alienness.
First Posted: November 2000
Feedback (het)
2000 ASC Awards second prize for Crossover/MIS
TOS, S, f, S/f, [Mild Content] ("revenge")
Saavant gets some comments on her fanfiction from a reliable source.
First posted: July 2001
Can't Seduce Him (slash)
TOS, K/S,Mc, [Moderate Content]
McCoy bets Spock he can't seduce Kirk.
First posted: May 2003
Sick of Mistletoe (slash)
TOS, K/S [Mild Content]
Spock is sick of mistletoe.
First posted: December 2003
Saavik's Log (slash)
TOS, K/S,Saa [Mild Content]
A young Saavik plays matchmaker.
First posted: December 2003
Let Me Go To You (slash)
TOS, K/S [All Audiences]
Spock waits impatiently for his lifemate.
First posted: December 2003
The Bird with the Word (slash)
GO 2003 first prize for TOS slash vignette
TOS, K/S [Mild Content]
Spock and Kirk encounter an interesting life form.
First posted: March 2004
The Little Nerd (slash) (het)
TOS, K/S [Mild Content]
This weird semi-AU came into my head the other day when friends had yet again talked me into letting down my hair, taking off my glasses, putting in my contacts, dressing up like a non-nerd and going out to a nightclub. You'd think I'd learn. But there I was, once more, staggering home in high heels that had blistered my feet beyond recognition, and somehow I couldn't get Hans Christian Andersen out of my head. There's an explanation at the end of the story.
First Posted: April 2001
Female Pon Farr (het)
GO 2001 first prize for TOS Misc. Het
2001 ASC Awards third prize for TOS Het
TOS, T'Pring/Stonn [Moderate Content]
After the events of "Amok Time," Stonn makes a shocking revelation.
First Posted: July 2004
Joy Heals (het)
GO 2004 first prize for TOS Het Vignette
TOS, Saavik, Chapel, implied Saavik/David, implied Saavik/Spock [Moderate Content]
Saavik argues with Chapel after the events of "The Search for Spock."
First Posted: January 2005
Curious About Georgia (slash?)
TOS, S/? [All Audiences]
Spock has a new bondmate.
First Posted: October 2004
TOS, Saa, f [All Audiences]
The truth about Saavik's name. Very weird and silly.
First Posted: May 2000
Caesar and
Barbara (het)
2000 ASC Awards first prize for Crossover/MIS
OCC, m/f [Moderate Content]
Two cadets at the Academy discover that they have some things in common.
First Posted: November 2001
Best of Trek Fanfic: http://www.geocities.com/botrek/
GO 2001 first prize for ENT single-person
ENT, T'Pol [Mild Content]
T'Pol's got sorrows.
First Posted: November 2000
I Don't Want the World to See Me (slash)
TOS, K/S, [Mild Content] (filksong)
Spock's thoughts during Amok Time.
First Posted: March 2004
Computer Mating (slash)
TOS, K/S, [Mild Content] (poem)
Spock is betrothed to the perfect person... yeah, right.
First posted: December 2004
Birds on the Tree (slash)
TOS, K/S [All Audiences]
Challenge reply: Spock gets a gift he doesn't know what to do with; Kirk shows him.
First Posted: December 2003
Don't Cling On Me (slash)
GO 2003 third prize for TOS poem
TOS, K/S, [Mild Content] (limerick)
Please, not in front of the Klingon...
First Posted: November 2000
GO 2000 third prize for TOS Poem/Filk
2000 ASC Awards second prize for TOS filk
TOS, K&S, [All Audiences] (drabble, poem)
A world's communication customs lack a significant part.
First Posted: December 2000
GO 2000 second prize for non-TOS poem/filk
2000 ASC Awards first prize for Misc.
OCC, ?/?, [Moderate Content] (filksong)
Love song from one Vulcan to
Jump down to the Miscellaneous Art section to see a Music Video of this song!
First Posted: October 2003
TOS, Spock, [Moderate Content] (poem)
Silly limerick. I love Spock and I love chocolate.
First Posted: September 2005
TOS, DS9, VOY [Mild Content] (poems)
More random haikus.
First Posted: April 2004
TOS, April/lirpa [Moderate Content] (double drabble)
Captain April falls in love. Answer to the Palindrome Challenge.
First Posted: January 2003
TOS, K, [All Audiences] (double drabble)
Why do they say "where no man has gone before"? A weird explanation.
First Posted: May 2001
Lester's Disaster (slash) (het)
2001 ASC Awards second prize
for TOS general drabble
GO 2002 first prize for TOS drabble
TOS, Janice Lester, ?/? [Mild Content] (drabble)
Something that happened during the episode Turnabout Intruder has disastrous consequences.
First posted: May 2004
Bubble Bonding (slash)
TOS, K/S [All Audiences] (drabble)
Kirk and Spock have a random and romantic conversation about bubbles.
First Posted: February 2004
TOS, K&S [All Audiences] (double drabble)
Everything is backwards in the Mirror Universe...
First Posted: August 2001
Granddaughter (slash?) (het?)
GO 2001 second prize for TOS drabble
TOS, humor, ?/? [Mild Content] (drabble)
A granddaughter is born.
First Posted: February 2001
Pun Farr (het)
GO 2001 second prize for VOY drabble
2001 ASC Awards third prize for VOY drabble
VOY, P/T, [Moderate Content] (drabble)
Tom Paris learns something about Klingon biology.
First Posted: February 2001
VOY, P,T, EMH, [Mild Content] (drabble)
Tom Paris learns the importance of correct speech.
First Posted: May 2001
Paris's Square (slash) (het)
GO 2001 first prize for VOY drabble
GO 2001 second prize for overall drabble
VOY, C/P, P/K, P/T, J/C, K/7, T/Vo [Moderate Content] (drabble)
A love quadrilateral forms aboard the starship Voyager...
First Posted: February 2001
Word Play (het)
DS9 Odo/Kira, [All Audiences] ("Scrabble Drabble")
Odo and Kira play with words.
First Posted: February 2001
OCC, P/V, [All Audiences] (drabble)
Bonding vows of some years back.
First Posted: February 2004
Pickup Line (het)
OCC, Zefram Cochrane, f [Mild Content] (drabble)
Zefram meets someone who's just as much of a math geek as he is. Unfortunately, neither of them has any social skills.
Drabbles posted to the Pon Farr Online Festival in January 2003
VOY, ? [Moderate Content] (drabble)
Miss T'Right has a mate for you.
Bad Luck (het)
TOS, Sa/Am [Mild Content] (drabble)
Amanda is about to marry Sarek. Her attendant is annoying her.
Pon Farr for the Pointy-Eared Dog
OCC, ? [Mild Content] (limerick)
When do Vulcan dogs mate?
Miscellaneous fun
First Posted: December 2000
Flawlessly Logical (het)
2000 ASC Awards Honorable Mention for Humor/Parody
TOS, K, S, T'Pring/Stonn [Mild Content]
T'Pring's argument, logically analyzed.
First Posted: May 2001
A Rude Logical Person (slash)
(or, Spock Propositions Kirk)
TOS, K/S, [Moderate Content] ("rude person story")
Proof of the logical validity of Rude People.
First Posted: November 2000
GO 2001 second prize for OCC Humor/Parody
GO 2001 third prize for OCC single-person
OCC, tribbles, [All Audiences]
What weird things you can do with a keyboard...
Drawings and photomanips
September 2001
Touching (het) (Spock/Saavik [Mild Content])
July 2002
Saavik Isn't Sleepy (Spock&Saavik [All Audiences])
July 2001
I Need You (slash) (K/S [Mild Content])
August 2004
Golden Gate Kiss (slash) (K/S [Mild Content])
July 2001
Kiss Me Hard (slash) (K/S [Mild Content])
July 2001
Remembering Your Name (K&S [All Audiences])
February 2002
Two Halves (K&S [All Audiences])
February 2002
Light and Dark (K&S [Mild Content])
December 2003
Cherry Blossoms (K&S [All Audiences])
(Yes, I know, they aren't blossoms from cherry trees-- they're a kind of orchid known as Cherry Blossom. I couldn't resist; they're so pretty.)
December 2003
Cuddling (K&S [All Audiences])
December 2003
Movie-era Hug (K&S [All Audiences])
December 2001
Kirk Portrait (K [All Audiences])
December 2003
Kirk as a Sperm (K [Moderate Content])
December 2001
Spock Portrait (S [All Audiences])
November 2004
Spock in the Style of the Simpsons (S [All Audiences])
February 2002
A Few Pointers on Vulcan Dogs (Vulcan dogs, [Mild Content])
September 2003
Quaker Oatman Loves Uncle Ben (slash)(Quaker Oats/Uncle Ben, [All Audiences])
December 2005
Target (targ, [All Audiences])
December 2003
A Realistic Cow Creamer (Sort of Jeeves/Wooster-inspired, [Mild Content])
Miscellaneous art
April 2002
Kirk and Spock paper dolls (slash) (K/S [Moderate Content])
March 2002
Kissing animation (slash) (K/S [Mild Content])
August 2003
Quicktime movie: Screencaps from TUC (slash) (K/S [Moderate Content])
August 2003
Quicktime movie: The song "Ponfamos" (?/? [Moderate Content])
December 2002
Play with My Pet Tribble (tribble, [All Audiences])
Adopt a Pet Tribble
September 2003
Vulcan Parrot (parrot, G)
A recording of our parrot saying "t'hy'la." (Audio recording. The parrot picture that shows while it plays is not a picture of that parrot. It's just to give you an idea what he looks like.)
Note: I swear, I don't know where he learned the word. My mom and dad and brother don't know it, and I've never said it out loud in his presence. He came up with it completely by himself. It Is A Sign.
All fanfic below this point is rated
[Strong Content] and [Explicit], meaning it
contains sex scenes or discussions of sex!
If you don't like that, stop here,
or jump directly to Other Info About Me!
First Posted: July 2001
Points of Interest (slash)
TOS, K/S, [Explicit]
Spock has sexy ears. Kirk is obsessed. Very kinky.
First Posted: September 2001
Holding Hands (slash)
TOS, K/S, [Explicit]
Vulcan sexual customs have some compatibility issues with human ones.
First posted: Jun 2007
Sleeping with the Fishes (slash) (het)
TOS, K/S, K/f, [Explicit]
Kirk misses Spock, and there are other fish in the sea. (It's not what you think).
First posted: Dec 2003
Wish (slash) (het)
GO 2003 third prize for Slash Advent Calendar story
TOS, K/S [Explicit]
A wish comes true.
First posted: Oct 2003
Diplomatic Relations (slash) (het)
TOS, K/S [Explicit]
Ambassador Spock must attend a meeting "with his wife." Trouble is, he's married to Kirk.
First posted: Oct 2003
Little Death (slash)
TOS, K/S [Explicit]
Spock is going into pon farr again, and has a shocking request of Kirk.
First posted: October 2003
Top (slash)
TOS, K/S [Strong Content]
Kirk sings Spock a song. Ultimate silliness.
First posted: January 2005
Every Sperm is Great (slash)
TOS, K/S,m/m [Explicit]
K/S from the viewpoint of one of Kirk's sperm.
First posted: August 2004
Rubbing It In (slash)
TOS, K/S [Strong Content]
Spock tries his hand as an artist.
First Posted: August 2003
Vegetarian Vampires (slash)
GO 2003 second prize for K/grapefruit
TOS, K/S, K/grapefruit, implied S/grapefruit [Explicit]
Kirk and Spock bring some fruity fun into their love life.
April 2001 through July 2001
The Violent Past Trilogy (slash)
TOS, K/S, [Explicit]
In this series, Spock has trouble forgiving himself for things he has done to Kirk in pon farr.
GO 2001 second prize for TOS Series
2001 ASC Awards first prize (Nine Lost Lives) for K/S
2001 ASC Awards second prize (Self-Inflicted Wounds) for K/S
A Violent Past(April 2001)
Self-Inflicted Wounds (May 2001)
Nine Lost Lives (July 2001)
First Posted: January 2003
Ins Knie (slash)
GO 2003 third prize for K/m
TOS, K/m, [Explicit]
Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place.
First Posted: September 2003
In Limbo (slash)
GO 2003 third prize for Khan/m
TOS, Spock/Khan, K/S, [Explicit]
After they both die in TWOK, Spock's soul meets Khan's. Very dark and violent.
First Posted: June 2003
Suck and Blow (slash) (het)
DS9, B/f, G/B, [Explicit]
Sequel to BGM's "First Time, Last Time." Having found that Cardassian guys are girls, Julian tries a Cardassian girl.
First Posted: October 2000
Genesis (het)
2000 ASC Awards Honorable Mention for General Pairing
TOS, Spock/Saavik [Strong Content]
The events leading up to the ceremony at the beginning of the novel "Vulcan's Heart."
First Posted: December 2003
Sleep (het)
GO 2003 second prize for Saa/m
GO 2003 third prize for Saa/m/m
GO 2003 honorable mention for S/Saa
GO 2003 third prize for TOS het vignette
TOS, Spock/Saavik, Saavik/David, Saavik/m/m [Strong Content]
Between "The Search for Spock" and "The Voyage Home," Saavik has nightmares.
First Posted: December 2003
Love and Pain (het)
GO 2003 first prize for Saa/m/m
GO 2003 third prize for TOS group
TOS, Saavik/David, Spock/Saavik/David, [Explicit]
How Spock got through pon farr on the Genesis Planet.
First Posted: December 2003
Spirit of the Cat (slash)
GO 2003 second prize for M'Ress/f
GO 2003 first prize for Saa/f
TOS, Saavik/M'Ress, [Explicit]
Saavik's first time with M'Ress threatens to be over before it begins.
First Posted: August 2004
Plant Gender (slash) (het)
TOS, Sulu/Rand, Sulu/?, Rand/?, [Explicit]
Tribbles aren't the only alien creatures whose sex is uncertain.
First Posted: December 2004
How Many (slash) (het)
TOS, K/S/Ch, [Explicit]
GO 2004 third prize for TOS Multiple Partner Vignette
Silly vignette. A very weird light bulb goes on over some Starfleet officers' heads.
First Posted: February 2005
Burma-Shaavant and the Disgruntled Muse (het)
TSU, f, ?, [Strong Content]
Saavant goes crazy. So what else is new?
First Posted: March 2001
Second Extinction (het)
GO 2001 first prize for TOS Het
GO 2001 third prize for TOS Misc. Het
TOS, George/Gracie, [Explicit]
The two whales brought to the 23rd century share their love, never suspecting the tragedy that awaits them.
First Posted: May 2001
Olo-Zherka (slash) (het)
GO 2001 first prize for Rumairie story
TOS, Sa/Am, m/f, f/f, m/m [Explicit]
(Note: This story is part of the Rumairie FuQ Fest.)
Some Vulcans have thought of a logical reason to attend an orgy...
First Posted: December 2001
The Trouble with Quimmies (het)
GO 2001 second prize for TOS Humor/Parody
TOS, m/f [Explicit]
This story was co-authored with T'Guess.
Parody of "The Trouble with Tribbles."
First Posted: December 2001
Spock the Sexy Vulcan (slash)
GO 2001 second prize for TOS Poem/Filk
TOS, K/S, [Explicit](filksong)
Just a filksong about--who else?--Spock the sexy Vulcan.
First Posted: October 2002
Thicker (slash)
TOS, K/S [Explicit] (sonnet)
Spock argues with Sarek about blood and water.
First Posted: February 2005
Poke Him (slash)
TOS, K/S [Explicit] (haiku)
Two smutty haikus. Love's a game.
First Posted: November 2003
A Holly Day (slash)
TOS, K/S [Explicit] (double sonnet)
When slash fans work together in a greenhouse, fascinating things can happen...
First Posted: October 2001
Phlox in Socks (slash) (het)
GO 2001 first prize for TOS Poem/Filk
GO 2001 first prize for TNG Poem/Filk
GO 2001 second prize for DS9 Poem/Filk
GO 2001 third prize for DS9 Humor/Parody
GO 2001 second prize for Overall Poem/Filk
various series and pairings [Explicit]
This story was co-authored with Julie.
Phlox and Spock talk. Phlox's talk shocks Spock.
First Posted: September 2003
USRa(slash) (het)
GO 2003 honorable mention for overall poem/filk
TOS, U/S/Ra, [Strong Content] (poem)
Uhura, Spock and Rand get together. Sort of.
First Posted: September 2005
Tasteless Julian Song(slash)
DS9, B/m, [Explicit] (filksong)
In which Saavant desecrates a Starfleet medical officer, his bear, and a song she learned in childhood.
First posted: February 2003
humor, ?/? [Explicit] (sonnet)
This is actually not a Star Trek poem, but it has to go here, because my page of non-Star-Trek poems is For All Ages, and this is X-rated until the last line. (It is also pretty disgusting, according to some people who have read it.) Just imagine Captain Kirk is the narrator. After all, maybe he is.
First Posted: October 2001
If You Move (slash)
TOS, K/S [Explicit] (drabble)
Kirk figures something out. Answer to Kira-Nerys's first-line challenge: "If you move, I'll come."
First Posted: September 2003
Getting Into It (slash)
TOS, K,S,Mc, pre-K/S [Explicit] (double drabble)
Kirk, Spock and McCoy talk about fisting. Inspired by a conversation with Farfalla, and by her challenge to use the phrase "Captain, fisting is illogical."
First Posted: April 2004
TOS/Highlander crossover, Spock, Methos, [Explicit] (drabble)
Circumcision, double ridges and immortality are discussed.
Drawings and photomanips
September 2001
Ashaya (slash) (K/S [Strong Content] )
September 2001
Happy (slash) (K/S [Strong Content] )
February 2002
Starlove (slash) (K/S [Explicit])
July 2001
At the Same Time (slash) (K/S [Explicit])
December 2001
Cave Madness (S [Explicit])
September 2003
Double Ridges (S [Explicit])
This photomanip was originally done by Kira-Nerys; in this version I added the ridge and the poem.
November 2003
Mike Myers as the Cat in the Hat (Cat in the Hat [Strong Content] )
Miscellaneous art
December 2002
My UNCENSORED animation of the Infamous Lovetrek WAV
(slash) (K/S [Explicit])
Note: The sound does not line up with the action in this animation. I'm working on it.
Part 1
*Part 2
*Part 3
Part 4
*Part 5
*Part 6
February 2004
Kirk and Spock sex dolls (K/S, [Explicit])
OK, I've finally done it. Using thread, needle, scraps of fabric and this basic pattern, I made a pair of anatomically correct Kirk and Spock dolls that can have sex with each other. It was actually fairly easy, although to be honest their faces didn't turn out too well.
The dolls clothed
The dolls naked
Each doll has a mouth and an anus
Oral sex
Anal sex
Other Info About Me and My Fanfiction
Feedback for Saavant welcomed at saavaant@yahoo.com
TOS = Star Trek, The Original Series
K = Captain Kirk
S = First Officer Spock
Mc = Dr. McCoy
Sa = Sarek
Am = Amanda
U = Uhura
Ra = Rand
VOY = Star Trek Voyager
J = Captain Janeway
C = Chakotay
P = Tom Paris
K = Harry Kim
T = B'Elanna Torres
7 = Seven of Nine
Vo = Vorik
EMH = Emergency Medical Hologram (the Doctor)
DS9 = Star Trek, Deep Space Nine
O = Security chief Odo
K = Major Kira
G = Garak
B = Bashir
ENT = Enterprise
T = T'Pol
Tu = Tucker
A = Archer
OCC = "original" (settings and characters invented/developed by the author)
f = original female character
m = original male character
, = characters (K,S means Kirk and Spock are in the story)
& = friendship (K&S means Kirk and Spock are friends in the story)
/ = romance and/or sex (K/S means Kirk and Spock are in love and/or have sex in the story)
In response to concerns about use of the MPAA ratings for fanfiction, I have decided to rate my work with simple descriptions.
[All Audiences] No violence, no sex or sexual innuendo, no "profane" or "obscene" language.
[Mild Content] Mild swearing, mild violence, kissing or touching (without reference to sexual arousal or sexual parts of the body) could all be in this category.
[Moderate Content] Violence, implied sexual situations, and/or offensive language are at moderate levels.
[Strong Content] Fairly severe violence could get a story put in this category; so could a discreetly written sexual scene. As for language, if a story contains the F-word I'd give it at least this rating.
[Explicit] Explicit sex and/or explicit violence.