I made this pet tribble for my own page, but please feel free to download a copy for yourself if you want one. Here are instructions in case you need them.
To download your pet tribble, first right-click on this link, choose "Save Target As," and save it to your hard drive. (You can also save it by opening the link and choosing "Save As" from the File menu.)
Next, do the same here: right-click on this link, choose "Save Target As," and save it to your hard drive. (You can also save it by opening the link and choosing "Save As" from the File menu.) Make sure you keep it in the same folder as the HTML version.
You can access your tribble at any time by opening your HTML version, as long as it is kept together with the SWF version and their names are not changed.
If this doesn't work for you, email me at and I can send you a tribble.
To put your tribble on your website, upload both versions to your file manager, and provide a link on your page to the HTML version (tribble.html).
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